Copying Files or Music to and from a Mac and Android Device
One feature I love about Android over iOS is the ability to just copy files to and from your Mac or Windows PC. No file limitations and very…
Read MoreOne feature I love about Android over iOS is the ability to just copy files to and from your Mac or Windows PC. No file limitations and very…
Read MoreIf you are running the Android File Transfer app on your Mac and it is sitting there with the message “No Android device found” follow the steps below to sort…
Read MoreSo my first full game for iOS is now in the iTunes App Store, written using the fantastic Cocos2D-X dev system. Check it out:-
Read MoreSome features of the iOS system are not supported by Cocos2D-X as they are platform specific (e.g. Game Center, advert SDKs). To access these features you will need…
Read MoreThis has been updated for Cocos2D-X build 2.1.2 ( @ Mar.20, 2013). [wpdm_file id=5] I’ve just been needing multi-touch in my current game project, it turned out to…
Read MoreUpdated for Cocos2D-X version “cocos2d-2.1rc0-x-2.1.2”. [wpdm_file id=6] How to run the sample code: Download the zip file and move it to the folder “/cocos2d-2.1rc0-x-2.1.2/samples/Cpp/”. Unzip it. Open the…
Read MoreIt’s pretty simple really but here is a quick how-to. This is based on XCode 4. In a finder window, go into your Cocos2D-X folder and you’ll see…
Read MoreTo animate a sprite with a set number of frames and then stop: CCAnimation *anim = anim = [[CCAnimation alloc] initWithName:@”idle” delay:0.1f]; [anim addFrame:[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName: @”frame_1.png”]]; [anim…
Read MoreTo change a sprites image frim the cache using its filename (frameName): CCSpriteFrame *frame = [[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:frameName]; [self setDisplayFrame:frame];
Read MoreSo you’ve added the file type to Visual Studio (see last post) but that’s not enough, you also have that rather wonderful “Visual Assist X” extension installed and…
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