Must Also Support the Apple TV Remote
If you are submitting an Apple TV tvOS app to the App Store and you are getting rejected for the following TV Remote related errors:
“We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for “app name”. Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery:
Invalid bundle – An app that supports game controllers must also support the Apple TV remote.”
… or…
“Invalid bundle – Apple TV apps with the GameController framework must include the GCSupportedGameControllers key in the app’s Info.plist.”
Add Supported Game Controllers to your PLIST
The solution is to add the supported game controllers info to the plist…. not quite so obvious how to do it though. Firstly you do this in your apps Capabilities screen and secondly the Apple TV Remote is actually listed as the “Micro Gamepad”. A little cryptic, see the image below.

Official Documentation on Apple TV Remote
Here in the official docs is where you can find the TV Remote referred to as the micro gamepad /GCMicroGamepad.
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